Thursday, January 30, 2020

Professional Roles And Values Essay Example for Free

Professional Roles And Values Essay My personal nursing mission statement is changing and developing as my career advances, however, one core piece will remain constant. I will strive to provide the best, safest, most ethical and compassionate nursing care that I can for all patients and family members with whom I come in contact. I began my post-high school academic career as an accounting major. I enjoyed the challenge of manipulating a report until I had balanced. I thought I had found my calling. As my first semester was nearing an end, I found myself contemplating the thought of sitting behind a desk all day. I wondered if I would find fulfillment in this work as a career? The more I pondered this thought, the more I realized that this was not the right career path for me. I saw images of the medical assistant program in the catalog at the school where I was attending. I could not shake the thought of the medical field for a profession. I attained my medical assistant degree and worked in the field for 10 years. The longer I worked, the more I realized that there was more that I wanted to do, but my current degree restricted me from going further. I researched nursing school programs and selected one with a night/weekend program that would allow me to continue working full-time during my studies. I have a family that I needed to continue to provide for and this seemed to be the best fit. My nursing school decision was fortified when I was selected for an award by the nursing faculty from all four semesters for excellence in the clinical setting. After graduation, I began my nursing career working as a case manager for orthopedic worker’s compensation patients. During this time I gained critical knowledge of the importance of clear documentation, the ever-changing requirements of insurance companies and an extra measure of compassion for patients whose lives were often changed by traumatic injuries. This time helped me to develop personally and professionally as a nurse. From there I went on to develop an in-office infusion program for  gastroenterology patients suffering from Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. This experience helped me to learn valuable organizational and time management skills. I also learned a vast amount about the challenges of GI issues for patients of every age. This opportunity gave me leadership skills, as I was responsible for a program that serviced two locations, management of nursing staff and medical assistants. I also learned a very human side of nursing, as my patients visited me every eight weeks and were here for two to three hours at each visit. I got to know them as individualsmothers, fathers, children, students and employees. They became part of my life. To date there are nearly 70 patients for whom I am responsible. My next endeavor begins in one week. I will be leaving my â€Å"baby† to one of the nurses I have trained, to embark on a new challenge. I will be learning to work in a surgical setting, at an ambulatory surgery center. I know this new opportunity will push me to grow further as a nurse, as I seek to learn critical care. I hope to develop a new level of compassion and expertise that I can then use to provide comfort and reassurance to the patients for whom I am responsible. I am excited about this new challenge and look forward to all that I can bring to it. I believe nursing should cause us to change and grow; to stretch us to reach new levels of education, knowledge and compassion. I will strive to continually learn as my career progresses to better myself and provide the highest level of care for my patients. What is the functional difference between a regulatory agency, such as the board of nursing, and a professional nursing organization? While there are some overlapping concepts, for the most part they are very different in function. Both regulatory agencies and professional nursing organizations are concerned with equipping nurses in ways to provide the best, safest, most effective and ethical care. They differ in that a regulatory agency is just that, regulations. They set up rules that govern the way in which a nurse provides care to their patients. These regulations are not suggestions, but requirements that are expected of all nurses in all situations. Regulatory boards are not made up of â€Å"memberships† like a professional nursing organization. Regulatory agencies require certain standards for individuals to achieve to be licensed to provide nursing care. The public can gain reassurance about the nursing profession from knowing that nurses are regulated by a board of nursing. Professional nursing organizations (PNO), on the other hand, are optional memberships. One can choose to be part of an organization that will help to advance oneself in a specific area of nursing, such as the American Academy of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN), the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN), the American Nurses Association (ANA), or the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM). (Monster staff) The list of PNOs is quite extensive and includes organizations for most any nursing specialty. PNOs also seek to shape health policy or public policy related to health matters. (unknown1) Professional nursing organizations work to advance public awareness of their branch of nursing or the nursing profession as a whole. They also seek to draw public attention to the nursing profession as a whole. There are many factors in a nursing code of ethics that guide how I choose to practice as a nurse. I will now explain how two components of a nursing code of ethics taken from the American Nurses Association guide my personal nursing practice. First I will look at, â€Å"The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems.† (American Nurses Association) This principle has affected me personally, in that in my current position of developing an infusion program for my office, I have been responsible for evaluating patients for the appropriateness of care in this setting. I am required to look at their health conditions, their emotional status and their insurance to determine if they meet the abilities of our in-office staff to provide excellent, safe, compassionate c are. It is imperative that I am non-judgmental and look at each patient as an individual. Their personal health needs must be foremost in my mind when I decide if we can care for them appropriately or not. It is a lot of responsibility and very difficult at times. I do believe I have been successful in this in that we have nearly doubled the number of patients we care for in the last six months. Second, †The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice and determines the appropriate delegation of tasks consistent with  the nurses obligation to provide optimum patient care. In my current role, I am responsible for over-seeing other nurses and medical assistants in provision of care for our patients. It is imperative that I am certain that we are providing care that is within our scope of practice. Often, in an office setting, the doctors get comfortable with the skills of their nursing staff and request tasks, expecting that we will take care of them properly. I must be certain that orders are properly documented and signed by the providers and that I am not doing or asking others to do tasks that are not within our scopes of practice. On a weekly basis I find things that need to go back to the provider for clarification or reassignment for management by appropriate staff. This is paramount to assure safe care and ethical treatment of patients, as well as protection of staff from inappropriate expectations. In my upcoming role as a nurse in a surgical setting, I will be working daily with an interdisciplinary team of ordering physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, LPNs and many others. My practice will be guided by the following four divisions from the American Nurses Association: 1) nurses and people, 2) nurses and practice, 3) nurses and the profession, and 4) nurses and co-workers. (Lyons) First, as discussed in provisions 1-4, nurses and people considers all people, not just patients. This means I will consider families and other people involved in the patient’s care or life. Nurses and practice, from provisions 5-8, will require me to stay educated and aware of the current standards of practice and ethical guidelines by which a nurse should practice. According to provisions 5-9, by following the guideline of nurses and the profession, membership in PNOs will be important in helping me to stay aware of current standards for the specialty in which I am working, as well as current healthcare policy or legislation that is being negotiated. As a professional nurse, it will be important for me to be involved in advocating for the policy that I believe best suites the patients for whom I care. Lastly, as outlined in provisions 5-6, nurses and co-workers is of significant importance. New nurses often hear, â€Å"nurses eat their young†. I do not believe this should ever be the case. Our job is to guide and educate our patients. Why then, wouldn’t we be willing to help those fellow nurses in their work and development? I will seek to help my  fellow co-workers, whether they are nurses, LNAs or other professionals to provide the best care and maintain a healthy work environment in which all co-workers are valued for what th ey have to offer. One nursing theory that has influenced my nursing practice to date is Dorothea Orem’s â€Å"Self-Care Theory†. In Orem’s theory, she states that a person’s well-being is based on whole person health, to include both physical and mental health. In addition, she takes into consideration the social and interpersonal aspects of the person’s well-being. This theory is based upon individuals being responsible for their own care and the care of their family. This theory impacted my nursing practice significantly during my time as an orthopedic nurse case manager. It was of the utmost importance that patients took responsibility for their health, both for the sake of their physical status, as well as for the maintenance of their position at their place of employment. Orem’s theory also states that individuals need to be aware of potential health problems. This is important in worker’s compensation case management because patients needed to be aware of their ability to perform their work tasks. This sharing of information helped me to be a greater advocate for my patients with their providers and employers. As I continue on into a surgical setting, this theory will also be important as patients will need to know what to anticipate after their surgery physically, emotionally and socially. The nursing figure who immediately comes to mind as having an impact on my nursing practice is Florence Nightingale. I have known of her since my childhood, even before I knew I would grow up to be a nurse. I did not study her closely until I began nursing school. The reason I have selected Florence Nightingale is that she had such a significant impact on ground-breaking theory that led into today’s aseptic techniques. Ms. Nightingale led a team of nurses who helped to reduce the mortality rate for wounded soldiers during the Crimean War by two-thirds. (Unknown) Thanks to her careful attention to detail and relentless desire to help others, she studied the unsanitary conditions under which her patients were being cared for. She then developed new hygiene practices that created lasting impact on today’s medical profession. This information is the ground work for what  will guide my aseptic practices in a surgical setting, as well as those that I used working in wound c are in the orthopedic specialty. They are the basis for infection control in all healthcare settings. She was far ahead of her time. I recently had a situation with a patient where I had to exercise beneficence and respect for autonomy. My patient was having a reaction to an infusion of a medication called Remicade. This was her first dose being done in this clinical setting, and her second dose overall. Within the first 15 minutes of her infusion, I watched as she went from talkative and seemingly fine, to flushed, diaphoretic and shaky. I called the physician to get his input. He advised that I continue with my plan to hold the medication and run normal saline for a period of monitoring. We would reassess in 20 minutes to see if we could restart her infusion. As the end of the 20 minutes of normal saline was approaching, the patient seemed to deteriorate. She began to have rigors. This was not a typical infusion reaction. It was not listed in any of the research or clinical articles of which I had read. I called the physician back. As I did so, the patient expressed concern about whether or not he was going to s end her to the hospital. She desperately did not want to go. Over the last 5 months, she had been in and out of the hospital for extended periods of time. The thought of returning there frightened her. The physician suggested that she should go to the emergency room. As she expressed concern about going, he glanced at me. He then requested that I consult with her ordering physician. Upon calling the ordering physician, I could have expressed concern about her condition. I could have told him that I thought the other physician was correct. However, there was something in her request that seemed very controlled. Her vital signs were stable. I knew I was surrounded by help if it was needed. I trusted the patient’s request to remain autonomous. The ordering physician also felt that the patient would benefit from staying at the infusion center if she was physically able. I assured him the situation was under control and that I would transfer her immediately if her condition worsened. The patient stayed with me for monitoring for another 2  ½ hours. Her condition improved and she was able to safely return home without having to visit the emergency room. Beneficence is â€Å"action that is done for the benefit of others†. (Pentilat) I believe I acted with beneficence in making this decision to keep the patient with me. I believe the stress of a transfer to the emergency room may have made her condition worse and may have caused her to be admitted again. I have seen this patient since then and she has assured me that the extra time I had given her in the office impacted her both physically and emotionally. It is situations like this that make me truly love my job. It is times like this that I know nursing is not a job, it is a calling. REFERENCES American Nurses Association. Code of Ethics. (2015) Retrieved May 8, 2015 from Monster staff. The Ultimate List of Professional Associations for Nurses. (2015). Retrieved May 8, 2015 from Nursing Excellence, The Online Newsletter for Childrens Nurses, e-Edition, Issue 9, Code of Ethics for Nurses, Jo A. Lyons, MOB, BS, RN-BC, Retrieved May 8, 2015 from Pentilat, S., Beneficence vs. Non-maleficence. (2008) Retrieved May 9, 2015 from Unknown1. Differentiating the Roles of Regulatory Bodies and Associations for Health Professionals, A Background Document. (Feb. 2010) Retrieved May 8, 2015 from cuments/Differentiating%20the%20Roles%20of%20Regulatory%20Bodies%20and%20Associations%20%20-%20Feb%202010.pdf Unknown2. Florence Nightingale. (2015). The website. Retrieved 07:54, May 09, 2015, from

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Analysis Of Racism In Huck Finn Essay -- essays research papers

To teach or not to teach? This is the question that is presently on many administrators' minds about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. For those who read the book without grasping the important concepts that Mark Twain gets across "in between the lines", many problems arise. A reader may come away with the impression that the novel is simply a negative view of the African-American race. If we believe that Huck Finn is used only as a unit of racism we sell the book short. I feel that there is much to be learned about Blacks from this book and it should not be banned from the classroom. This is only one of many themes and expressions that Mark Twain is describing in his work. I believe that in Huck Finn slavery is used as insight into the nature of blacks and whites as people in general. Overall, the most important thing to understand is that Mark Twain is illustrating his valuable ideas without pushing them upon the reader directly. I believe that â€Å"Huck Finn† teaches a reader two important lessons about the true nature of people. Throughout the book, one of these main lessons is that Blacks can be just as caring as whites. The white characters often view the blacks as property rather than as individuals with feelings and aspirations of their own. Huck comes to realize that Jim is much more than a simple slave when he discusses a painful experience with his daughter. Jim describes how he once called her and she did not respond. He then takes this as a sign of disobedience and beats her for it. Soon realizing that she is indeed deaf, he comforts her and tries to make up for the act of beating. The feeling that Jim displays shows Huck that Jim has a very human reaction and the fact Jim says, "Oh Huck, I bust out crying....'Oh the po' little thing!" (Twain 151), only further proves to Huck that Jim is as caring as he is. Huck's realization allows him to see that Jim is no longer the ordinary sl ave. The point where Huck completely changes his attitudes towards blacks comes when he is faced with the dilemma of turning Jim in. Huck fights with his conscience and also remembers the things that Jim has done for him. "I'd see him standing my watch on top of his'n, stead of calling me, so I could go on sleeping; and see him how glad he was when I come back out of the fog; and when I come to him again in the swamp, up there wher... ...nable that ignorance and be a victory for racism and not a loss. To consider banning this novel simply because it has situations and characters that are considered racist is superficial. The novel does show the relationships between blacks and whites in the nineteenth century. However, it shows these situations not to promote racism against blacks, but for the reader to better understand the subject. The character of Jim is shown to be caring and considerate towards Huck and more mature and human than the society allows him to be. Although he is shown to be this way, Twain shows the irony and hypocrisy of treating a mature man like simple property. The novel also shows how a boy, who is a product of this hypocritical society, comes to realize the true nature of his friend Jim and how deranged the societies beliefs are. In showing these ironic situations and the transformation that Huck goes through the reader sees racism in a real life setting. People who want to ban the book miss the idea entirely. Instead of getting rid of something that is supp osedly racist, they only perpetuate racism by denying others a good source of material on the subject.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Counselling Skills Essay

1. Briefly describe in your own words what is meant by the term ‘counselling’. Counselling is a type of therapy offered to people who is experiencing any difficulties or troubles in life. Counselling gives them a chance to explore and address their problems and to figure out and decide how to deal with these problems emotionally and move on in their life. 2. What factors may make it difficult for a client to commit to counselling? What could you do to help overcome these barriers? Quite often, some people find it difficult or awkward talking to their family and friends about personal issues and are able when talking to a counsellor lay all their cards out on a table. However some people may find it daunting about telling a complete stranger what’s happening in their lives or perhaps worried about how they are going to be perceived by other people by seeking help. It might simply be because they are a closed person emotionally and is unable to open up. I would try to overcome these barriers by first establishing a lot of trust in my relationship as counsellor and client. When established the trust between my client I would then encourage them to talk openly about their issues and reassure them about the importance of confidentiality and absolutely no-one would have to know that they have been for counselling. 3. What are the ‘Core Counselling skills’? Briefly describe each one. 1. Genuineness – Being true, honest, authentic and completely non fake. 2. Acceptance – Completely accepting the client for who they are and not judging them in any way. Being impartial. 3. Empathy – Putting yourself in the client’s shoes, being able to identify with and understand their problems. 4. In your opinion, what are the most important skills required for effective counselling? Justify your answer. I believe the most important skills that are effective for counselling are Empathy, Acceptance, Compassion and genuineness. I think that if you cannot empathize with somebody then it is almost impossible to counsel them. If you cannot imagine what it is like to be their position then you cannot try to help them. I believe acceptance is important because if you allow your own  personal views and opinions get in the way then this will affect how well your therapy sessions go and what the result will be in the end. I believe it is important to be impartial. This is a principle that I use as a volunteer up the Citizens Advice Bureau. I believe compassion and genuineness are important skills because if the client thinks that you are not a compassionate, caring genuine person then they will not want you to counsel them. It will be almost impossible to gain any trust between the client and they will not open up and talk about their problems. Thus therapy will be a complete and utter waste of time for them. For example if somebody wants counselling for depression and are having suicidal thoughts, and you appear uncaring, then this might add to their own feelings of worthlessness and could potentially make the client worse. 5. Think about a time when you helped someone. Write a transcript of what happened and identify any particular counselling skills you employed. You should also make a reference to SOLER within your answer. I’m a big fan of the social networking site known as ‘Facebook’ and over time I noticed that someone who I’m friends with on there which I am only going to refer to as ‘M’ seemed very depressed and down in the dumps. Nearly everything she posted on Facebook was dark and depressing. At the time I didn’t know her that well and had only seen her around the area which I live. I eventually decided that I would Message M to see if she fancied a chat sometime and that I had noticed from the things that she had been saying that she seemed very unhappy. Over a period of time we started talking regularly, general chit chat mostly, and eventually she told me that she suffered from a mental illness called BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and that she is Bipolar. I decided to research BPD and to try to find out more about it. I learnt that BPD sufferers can have extreme mood swings, going from feeling wonderful one minute to suicidal the next. During our chats online I told M that if she ever wanted someone to talk to then I would always be there to listen. She told me of her feelings of lack of self worth and that in her opinion nobody really cared about her, or wanted to listen, not even her friends would make that much of an effort. She assumed that because of her mental health condition, not many people would be willing to get to know her. I was very persistent with M, reassuring her that I wanted to listen to her problems. I established a lot of trust with M because otherwise she  would not of told me these things. After a while I suggested to M about going for a coffee and a chat. I sat opposite her in the cafà ©, maintaining eye contact with her and leaning towards her slightly, interested in everything she had to say. As we talked I noticed that there was deep slash marks on both of her wrists. I asked her about them and She told me that she had tried to kill herself many times and that it made her feel better by cutting herself. That was when I decided that my own personal goal was to try and inject some positivity into this girls life and maybe over time she would not cut herself anymore? This girl needed to know that people did care about her and she wasn’t the horrible person she thought she was. After that we met up several times and even to this day we talk online, she has often thanked me for listening to her and has made me feel very good about myself. I think she is very appreciative to have someone who is genuinely interested in her thoughts and feelings. I can definitely empathize with M because in the past I have personally suffered from Anxiety and Paranoia, thus making me feel very down in the dumps and I also believed at the time nobody wanted to listen to me either. Iv accepted M for who she is, not letting her mental illness deter me whatsoever. I’ve learnt something new and find mental health very interesting. I think for some people that if they do not understand something then they treat it with ignorance. Hopefully over time I will help to build up her confidence but there is some very serious underlying problems as to why she cuts herself. This is an ongoing progress but I am determined to get there one day.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

I Have Always Hated Writing Essay - 1192 Words

I have always hated writing. I never knew where to start and always ended up off topic. Even in middle school writing was never fun for. I never had an interest in writing about something I didn’t like, know, or had any kind of interest in. Every year I would have different writing assignments that I thought was difficult to do. I would turn my papers in only to get a low grade in return. When I first started writing I could only write about topics I could relate to. This limited my writing skills because I had many classes that uninterested me, like religion or any type of writing classes. I would turn in my paper and get back a grade that was lower than was hoping for. Then I would read through my paper and notice many mistakes that I overlooked. It was very disorganized and even sometimes off topic. My papers always sounded way better before I turned them in. I figured that I was good at writing about personal topics because I had a good understanding of those. My first imp rovement to my writing skills was doing research. I always research the topic to make sure I have some type of understanding that way the writing comes easy and my paper makes sense. Another issue was disorganization. My information in my paper would be all over the place. I had to develop the habit of using an outline. I would go online and download a blank outline and fill in my paper. Class after class I would receive essay assignments. I eventually had to come to the sad reality that I would have toShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle Of Reading And Writing875 Words   |  4 Pagesand Writing Throughout my years of schooling, I have become ambivalent about reading and writing. I have struggled in school to make myself enjoy writing. I didn’t mind reading as much, as long as it was to my interest. It has differed throughout the years I have been in school. Some years I have enjoyed both, reading and writing, and other years I have not liked either. 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A Unified And Empowered Europe Towards Modernization Essay Example for Free

A Unified And Empowered Europe Towards Modernization Essay Regardless of how recorded occasions are being deciphered Europe’s hist...